Thoughtworks Arts

Adrianne Wortzel Shares How She Became A Robotic Art Pioneer On BUST’s “Poptarts” Podcast

Posted by the Thoughtworks Arts Team
Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Former robotics resident Adrianne Wortzel was a recent guest on the twice-monthly podcast “Poptarts” (aka Girl Zone) hosted by BUST magazine editors Emily Rems and Callie Watts - celebrating women in pop culture.

A portriat of Adrianne Wortzel smiling

Adrianne discussed her fascination with sentience when juxtaposed against machines and her pull to explore humanity through robotics. This passion carried over into her Thoughtworks Arts residency project, The Sentient Thespian, a film exploring attributions of sentience to robots, by humans, as a feature of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Receives Prix Ars Electronica Award for Digital Humanity

Posted by the Thoughtworks Arts Team
Monday, 21 June 2021 has been awarded the Prix Ars Electronica Award for Digital Humanity for creating the Branch online magazine.

Two magazine covers, one with cartoon figures plugging devices into a forest, and the other with figures inhabiting a futuristic landscape
Branch covers by Hélène Baum and Gica Tam

The magazine was spearheaded by Michelle Thorne, Chris Adams, Laurence Bascle, Carrie Hou, Tom Jarrett, Jack Lenox, Hannah Smith and others as part of an international community effort. was co-founded by Thoughtworks Arts Director Andrew McWilliams.

Rashin Fahandej Receives Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction

Posted by the Thoughtworks Arts Team
Monday, 14 June 2021

Rashin Fahandej has been awarded the Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction in Digital Music and Sound Art for A Father’s Lullaby. The project was incubated as part of Rashin’s residency at Thoughtworks Arts.

Rashin Fahandej standing in front of screens showing her work

The Prix Ars Electronica is the world’s most time-honored award in electronic and interactive art, with prize ceremonies going back more than 30 years, alongside showcases at the famed Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria.

Art-A-Hack Announces Open Call On Climate Action: BeFantastic Together

Posted by the Thoughtworks Arts Team
Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Art-A-Hack and BeFantastic have announced a 2021 open call focusing on Singapore, Switzerland, India, Germany, and the United States, with incubation and support from Thoughtworks Arts. Together we are calling for artists, designers, technologists, and others to focus on the pressing issue of global climate crisis.

Flyer for the BeFantastic and Art-A-Hack 2021 Open Call

Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), as well as data and networks, we aim to connect a diverse group of global practitioners to create collaborative artwork that will amplify voices and responses to the climate emergency.

How We Created a GPT-2 AI “Sicko” Chatbot for a New Media Opera

Ellen Pearlman Jonathan Heng
Ellen Pearlman & Jonathan Heng
Thursday, 20 May 2021

AIBO (Artificial Intelligent Brainwave Opera) is an emotionally intelligent artificial intelligent brainwave opera. The performance piece follows two characters, Eva, a human performer wearing a bodysuit of light and AIBO, a “sicko” chatbot powered by a GPT-2 AI.

A performer wearing a suit of lights and a brainwave interface triggers colored “emotional” responses on the suit
Eva’s brainwaves trigger colored “emotional” responses of lights on her smart textile bodysuit, as well as emotionally themed sound and videos. Photo by Taavet Jansen

The opera’s spoken word libretto is adapted from the biography of Eva von Braun about her fourteen-year love affair with Adolf Hitler. It is a metaphor for humanity’s infatuations with AI.