Inside Our Brand New Lab at Thoughtworks NYC
This week we have been building out our new lab space here in New York. We are designing the space for internal use by employees, as well as for public use during community events and programs.

The lab provides facilities for exploring new hardware and emerging technologies. It features three new VR stations with powerful computers, a hardware prototyping station, and an array of other fascinating equipment - everything from 3D video rigs to Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Attendees to our weekly Hardware Hack Lab can use the facilities to explore emerging technologies in a social setting. In addition, our annual Art-A-Hack program now has a consistent home in which to bring projects to fruition.

Internally, our developers and designers are assessing various emerging technologies for their potential impact on our clients. At the same time, we are undertaking tactical projects to help us explore the technical, experiential and social patterns made possible by the tech.
As initiatives and engagements continue to crop up, having a consistent location to explore emerging tech helps us to build a culture, and to share that culture via public and community engagement.

For artists taking part in the Arts Residency program, direct access is available to the lab whenever required.
Our current residents, the Cyborg Foundation, have begun working with engineers who recently graduated from New York University’s ITP program, and these engineers will also have full access to the lab.
What we are really excited about is seeing what happens next. We have designed and built the space, and now we are supporting a number of very exciting projects concurrently. Watch this space, and consider visiting one of our public events.
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