Ellen Pearlman Presents at U.S. Fulbright Alumni Exchange Seminar
As a Fulbright World Learning Specialist, Thoughtworks Arts Director Ellen Pearlman was selected from a competitive pool of Fulbright Alumni throughout the country to present at The U.S. Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminar (Alumni TIES) on the topic of "Art, Culture, and Transforming Conflict".

The Exchange Seminar took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico on December 10th - 14th, bringing together Fulbright alumni to share initiatives supporting social change and transforming conflict through the arts.
The four-day event connected participants, fostered opportunities for project collaborations, and helped develop and implement action plans to complete goals. The seminar reflected on issues of regional importance and included a wide range of expert speakers whose work is powered by creating positive change in their communities.

Ellen presented “Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Arts”, highlighting Thoughtworks Arts based programs that have promoted social change through their artistic and technology incubations.
In 2017 Ellen Pearlman received a Fulbright World Learning Specialist Grant. The Fulbright World Learning program connects exceptionally qualified U.S. academics and professionals with institutions abroad to develop programs and share their knowledge.
With this grant, Ellen was able to collaborate with Liepaja University in Liepaja, Latvia and RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia using Art-A-Hack and its intensive art and technology methods. Now, as part of the expansive network of Fulbright Alumni TIES, Ellen will continue to take part in World Learning’s exchange seminars implementing initiatives both locally and globally.
The Alumni Thematic International Exchange Seminars (Alumni TIES) program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by World Learning.
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